FVP - Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula
FVP stands for Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula
Here you will find, what does FVP stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula? Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula can be abbreviated as FVP What does FVP stand for? FVP stands for Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula. What does Foodbank of the Virginia Peninsula mean?The United States based company is located in Hampton, Virginia engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of FVP
- Family Values Party
- Frugal Video Poker
- Film And Video Production
- Field Verification Program
- Flexible Voucher Program
- Forensic Victim Psychotherapy
- Polycythemic strain of Friend Virus
- Franklin Video Productions
View 24 other definitions of FVP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FTGC The First Tee of Greater Chicago
- FAOUN The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- FFC Future Fence Company
- FSS Fade Street Social
- FE Finance for Enterprise
- FPM Flatirons Practice Management
- FIFF Festival International de Films de Fribourg
- FG Fresh to Go
- FTA Future Technology As
- FLC Future Link Communications
- FCP Fairfield Care Products
- FIP Food Innovation Program
- FAC Florida Association of Counties
- FMSI Fortress Merchant Solutions Inc.
- FNTL Future Now Technologies LLC
- FCC Foundations Counseling Center
- FFHC Foremost Family Health Center
- FPSL Franklin Park Senior Living
- FBSL Function Business Services Ltd
- FSC Frontline Solutions Corporation